



Open Access Article

International Oral Science Research. 2022; 1: (3) ; 1-5 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.iosr.20220023.

Study on the Properties of Ag Coating based on Titanium Alloy by Magnetron Sputtering Technology forOrthodontic Teeth

作者: 张倨裴, 潘敬科, 程丽佳, 归艳华, 王羽, 董志红 *

成都大学机械工程学院 四川成都

成都大学附属医院 四川成都

四川亿诺森生物科技有限公司 四川成都

*通讯作者: 董志红,单位:成都大学机械工程学院 四川成都;

发布时间: 2022-09-14 总浏览量: 802



关键词: 磁控溅射;银涂层;性能;Ti6Al4V


Ag coating with antibacterial properties was prepared on Ti6Al4V alloy by magnetron sputtering technique. In the characterization process, the microstructure, thickness, microhardness, coating bonding force, surface roughness and antibacterial properties of the film were evaluated by SEM, XRD, surface roughness meter, scratch tester, microhardness tester, antibacteria test. The results showed that the Ag particles can be uniformly deposited on the surface of the titanium alloy matrix, and particle size was in the range of 0.1-0.5um, surface roughness Ra was 0.032±0.005, microhardness value was 255±4Hv. The coating was bonded well with the substrate. Under the scratch force, in the range of 45-50N, the layer begins to crack. As the force applied increases, coating began to peel off. In the antibacterial test, the size of the inhibition zone was 0.4cm after 48 hours. These results indicated that titanium alloy based Ag coating was prepared by magnetron sputtering technology, which can be used in the processing of orthodontic braces, and also can avoid the dental plaque.

Key words: Magnetron Sputtering; Silver Coating; Properties; Ti6Al4V

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张倨裴, 潘敬科, 程丽佳, 归艳华, 王羽, 董志红, 磁控溅射技术制备Ag/Ti6Al4V在正畸牙齿托槽中的性能研究[J]. 国际口腔科学研究, 2022; 1: (3) : 1-5.