



Open Access Article

International Oral Science Research. 2022; 1: (4) ; 18-22 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.iosr.20220034.

Lower anterior alveolar bone morphology and orthodontic risks in adults skeletal class III malocclusion

作者: 褚丹阳, 武小峰, 谢丽丽 *

河北省人民医院 河北石家庄

*通讯作者: 谢丽丽,单位:河北省人民医院 河北石家庄;

发布时间: 2022-12-29 总浏览量: 519



关键词: 骨性III类错合;下前牙;牙槽骨;正畸风险


The orthodontic treatment methods for skeletal class III malocclusion in adults include camouflage treatment and combined orthodontic and or thognathic treatment. The movement mode and allowable range of the lower incisors are the key to the design of the orthodontic route and the success of the orthodontic treatment. Understanding the morphological characteristics of the alveolar bone in the lower incisor area,its relationship with the sagittal and vertical bone types, and the position of the root in the alveolar bone can avoid the risk of periodontal damage and root absorption caused by insufficient alveolar bone during tooth movement[1] .Therefore, this article reviews the research status of alveolar bone morphology in anterior teeth under skeletal class III malocclusion in adults and its impact on orthodontic risk.

Key words: Skeletal class III malocclusion; Lower anterior teeth Alveolar bone; Orthodontic risks

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