



Open Access Article

International Oral Science Research. 2023; 2: (1) ; 1-3 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.iosr.20230001.

A comparative study of pad removable partial denture and common removable partial denture repairin patients with moderate to severe wear and tear

作者: 赵祥鹤 *, 孙凯

北京市丰台中西医结合医院 北京

*通讯作者: 赵祥鹤,单位:北京市丰台中西医结合医院 北京;

发布时间: 2023-03-27 总浏览量: 346


目的 针对于牙列缺损合并中重度磨损患者治疗中应用垫式可摘局部义齿与普通可摘局部义齿修复治疗的效果分析。方法:此实验开展时间为2021年9月至2022年9月期间,所有分析依据均为至本院口腔科接受治疗的120例牙列缺损合并中重度磨损患者,按照1--120数字随机编号法进行分组,每组分别纳入60例,给予比对组60例患者以普通可摘局部义齿修复治疗策略;给予探析组60例患者以垫式可摘局部义齿修复治疗策略,最终对两组患者一年后治疗效果作出比较,观其优劣差异。结果 实验结束后,两组患者在总体治疗有效率方面、治疗前后患者咀嚼功能评分、口腔健康评分、护理满意度方面均呈现出明显差别性,探析组60例患者总体治疗效果更为优秀。结论 通过给予两组患者以不同形式的治疗策略后,充分体现了垫式可摘局部义齿治疗方案的优势性,无论在咀嚼功能改善上、生活质量的提高上、佩戴舒适度上及患者总体满意度方面均具有显著改善、提高和保证,其应用价值巨大,值得引用。

关键词: 普通可摘局部义齿;垫式可摘局部义齿;治疗;牙列缺损;效果


Objective To analyze the effect of pad removable partial denture and common removable partial denture in the treatment of patients with moderate and severe wear.
Methods The experiment was conducted from September 2021 to September 2022. All analysis was based on 120 patients with dental defects combined with moderate to severe wear were divided according to the 1-120 numerical random numbering method. 60 patients were included in the comparison group with common partial denture repair strategy; 60 patients in the analysis group were given partial denture repair strategy. Finally, the treatment effect between the two groups.
Results After the experiment, the two groups showed significant differences in the overall treatment efficiency, chewing function score, oral health score, and nursing satisfaction before and after treatment, and the overall treatment effect of 60 patients in the analysis group was better.
Conclusion   by giving two groups of patients in different forms of treatment strategy, fully embodies the pad of removable partial denture treatment advantage, whether on the chewing function, the improvement of quality of life, wear comfort and overall satisfaction have significantly improved, improve and guarantee, its application value is huge, worthy of reference.

Key words: Common removable partial denture; Pad removable partial denture; treatment; Dentition defect; effect

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赵祥鹤, 孙凯, 垫式可摘局部义齿与普通可摘局部义齿修复治疗牙列缺损合并中重度磨损患者的对比研究[J]. 国际口腔科学研究, 2023; 2: (1) : 1-3.