



Open Access Article

International Oral Science Research. 2024; 3: (2) ; 16-19 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.iosr.20240014.

Analysis of effect of oral nursing intervention on control of wound swelling after tooth extraction in oral outpatients

作者: 孙怡雯 *, 曹海燕

上海市浦东新区中医医院 上海

*通讯作者: 孙怡雯,单位:上海市浦东新区中医医院 上海;

发布时间: 2024-06-28 总浏览量: 116


目的 本文主要探究分析口腔门诊患者在拔牙术后护理中实行口腔护理干预模式,其护理干预下口腔门诊患者拔牙术后的肿胀发生率、干预前后的心理状态以及患者的护理满意度状况。方法 以抽样的方式在我院自2023年2月份至2024年2月份期间接收的80例口腔门诊拔牙患者为本次探讨对象。并通过单双数的分组方式分为两组,即为参照组、研讨组,参照组给予口腔门诊拔牙术后患者常规护理模式,研讨组给予口腔门诊拔牙术后患者口腔护理干预模式。每组各有40例。分析组间干预效果。结果 研讨组口腔门诊拔牙术后患者的肿胀发生率、心理状态经过口腔护理干预后得到了有效的改善,同时患者的护理满意度得到了有效的提高,两组之间的护理效果差距较大P<0.05有研究价值。结论 通过对口腔门诊拔牙术后患者在护理中使用口腔护理干预模式,患者的肿胀发生率、心理状态得到了显著的改善,同时有效地提高了患者的护理满意度,此种方法值得进一步地推广与应用。

关键词: 口腔护理干预;口腔门诊;拔牙;肿胀发生率;心理状态


Objective This paper mainly explores and analyzes the intervention mode of oral care in the postoperative care of dental outpatients, the incidence of postoperative swelling, the psychological state before and after the intervention, and the nursing satisfaction of patients under the intervention.
Methods 80 patients with dental extraction in our hospital from February 2023 to February 2024 were sampled as the objects of this study. The group was divided into two groups, namely the reference group and the research group. The reference group was given the routine nursing mode for patients after dental extraction in the oral clinic, and the research group was given the intervention mode of oral nursing for patients after dental extraction in the oral clinic. There were 40 patients in each group. The effect of intergroup intervention was analyzed.
Results The swelling rate and psychological state of patients after dental extraction in the study group were effectively improved after oral nursing intervention, and the nursing satisfaction of patients was effectively improved, and the nursing effect difference between the two groups was large P < 0.05, which was of research value.
Conclusion   Through the use of oral nursing intervention mode in the nursing of patients after dental extraction in the oral outpatient department, the incidence of swelling and psychological state of patients has been significantly improved, and the nursing satisfaction of patients has been effectively improved. This method is worthy of further promotion and application.

Key words: Oral nursing intervention; Dental clinic; Have a tooth extracted; Incidence of swelling; Mental state

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孙怡雯, 曹海燕, 口腔护理干预对口腔门诊患者拔牙术后伤口肿胀的控制效果分析[J]. 国际口腔科学研究, 2024; 3: (2) : 16-19.