



Open Access Article

International Oral Science Research. 2022; 1: (1) ; 6-9 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.iosr.20220002.

To explore the clinical effect of calcium hydroxide in the clinical treatment of Stomatology

作者: 丁舒 *

贵州省都匀市黔南州中医医院 贵州都匀

*通讯作者: 丁舒,单位:贵州省都匀市黔南州中医医院 贵州都匀;

发布时间: 2022-05-07 总浏览量: 359



关键词: 氢氧化钙;口腔内科临床;应用效果


In fact, the term calcium hydroxide is relatively unfamiliar to the public, because it is rarely heard in daily life. In fact, calcium hydroxide is mainly used to treat dental pulp, also known as tooth plugging. Doctors first extract most of the infectious substances in the root canal with micro instruments through mechanical and chemical methods, then fill them, and finally seal them with dental filling materials to prevent periapical diseases. With the development of economy, China's medical level has been continuously improved. The application of modern science and technology has brought the development of medicine into an unprecedented new period. However, for clinical western medicine, because people do not pay enough attention to it at present, the development of clinical western medicine is slow, so that there are some problems in the development process. In order to promote the healthy development of clinical western medicine and make the overall progress and improvement of Chinese medicine, it is imperative to improve the understanding of the shortcomings in the application of calcium hydroxide. Effectively improving the application of calcium hydroxide can reduce medical disputes, promote doctors to use drugs reasonably in clinical treatment, and really promote the medical relationship between doctors, nurses and patients. At present, the main problems of clinical western medicine in China are that clinical experience and professional knowledge need to be improved, and the lack of relevant policies and systems has seriously affected the development of clinical medicine. The lagging development of clinical Western pharmacy has affected the economic benefits of the hospital and made Western pharmacy lack of hospital support and motivation.

Key words: Calcium Hydroxide; Clinical Department of Stomatology; Application Effect

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